Cookies Test

This script will test your web browser to see if it can read a cookie required by the (Secureimage) CAPTCHA. You should see a message below letting you know if cookies are properly enabled in your browser.

Note: If you see any errors or warnings at the top of the page, THEN THE TEST PROBABLY FAILED. If you see an error: "Warning: session_start...", it is indicating a problem with your PHP server that will prevent the CAPTCHA from working.

Web browsers have a setting to enable/disable cookies. They also have a setting to block/unblock cookies per each web site. For instructions on how to enable cookies or unblock cookies in your browser, use a search engine. Different internet browsers have different sets of instructions on how to change this setting.

Test Passed: Cookies are enabled on your browser.

If the CAPTCHA is giving you a cookie error, this rules out your web browser as the cause.

Solution: Try all 3 tests below. If all 3 pass, the problem could be another WordPress plugin is conflicting with the PHP session. What other plugins do you have installed? Can you temporarily deactivate them all. Test, then if it works, activate them one at a time (then test) until the conflicting plugin is pinpointed? If a conflicting plugin is found I might be able to fix it (or not), then we can notify the plugin author. Contact me below.

Try the PHP Requirements Test
Try the Cookie Test again
Try the CAPTCHA Test

PHP Scripts by Mike Challis
Free PHP Scripts
Donate, even small amounts are appreciated

Contact me: (Mike Challis)
I will need to know this information: (fill in this information on my contact form)
Plugin: Fast and Secure Contact Form
Plugin Version:
Your web site URL:
Problem you are having: